Sombrero Sound Company Sombrero Sound Company

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This letter will provide you with information concerning Sombrero Sound Company in the event you should need sound /lighting reinforcement. Should you contract Sombrero Sound Company, you will be assured of quality sound reproduction at reasonable rates. In business since 1991, our equipment consists of the top names in the sound reinforcement industry.

The heart of our system is the Adamson Spektrix line array speakers powered by four Lab Gruppen 1300s and four Lab Gruppen 6400s controlled with a 40 channel Crest Century VX console. Adamson Systems Engineering holds one of only two patents for a true line array system. The Spektrix series is a four way system that can be flown or ground stacked. Lab Gruppen is high power state of the art amplifiers. They are the most sophisticated amplifiers on the market. The Crest Century VX is a VCA controlled eight buss console with eight discrete aux sends, eight matrix outputs, an EQ with four sweepable bands and Q control on the Hi Mid and Low mid bands. All together this system delivers unmatched power and sonic clarity for up to three thousand people! Sombrero Sound Company also has a smaller three way system which uses JBL SR series speakers and Crest amplifiers. A monitor console is available upon request.

Sombrero Sound Company uses only the best in Signal Processing with names like Lexicon, T. C. Electronics, Clark Teknic, Ashley, XTA, BSS, Roland, Drammer and DBX. We have a full Compliment of microphones made by Shure, Sennheiser, AKG and E.V. Please check the equipment list for specific models.

Sombrero Sound Company is comfortable with medium to large venues inside or out. We are experienced with folk, traditional, rock and alternative music. We have worked with single performers and multi band productions. In addition, we can provide Par 64, 56 and fresnal lighting and we also offer recording options. We can record the house stereo mix with an Alesis Masterlink or track up to 40 channels using a Tascam DA 88 format.

If you have questions or would like a bid, please contact us at 906.362.3043, 619 High Street, Marquette, MI 49855, or at We look forward to hearing from you.



James R. Supanich, Sombrero Sound Company

Sombrero Sound Company